The articles below provide an introduction to strategic foresight, and an overview of my approach to practice. They are primarily intended for people I’m currently working with, and those considering working with me in the future. The information provided is likely to be most useful when complemented by face-to-face conversation: it may answer some questions that you have, and in the process, generate others.
Reflected in the articles is a central principle underpinning my approach to practice: everything said (or written) is said by someone; and everything heard (or read) is heard by someone else. While perhaps appearing unremarkable at first glance, working with this is fundamental to establishing shared understanding, the master ingredient for effective outcomes from any strategic foresight initiative.
Most of my work with organisations results from word-of-mouth referrals. I find that this fits well with the approach that I outline here. In fact, the principles that I discuss in relation to building shared understanding amongst an organisation’s members perhaps suggest this as the most appropriate pathway for engagement. If you’ve arrived here by another route though, and you perceive a congruent fit with your own situation and outlook, I’d be pleased to explore this further with you.
Article 1: The why, what and how of strategic foresight
Article 2: An approach to strategic foresight practice
Article 3: Practical enactment: Strategic foresight process and methodology
Article 4: Embodied foresight: Foundations for an ethics of practice